We believe there is no ‘one-size fits all’ in health and wellness.
In our personalized approach, we truly take the time to get to know you, your lifestyle and your specific needs. We develop a treatment plan tailored to you, so we can intentionally heal and restore your full-body health from the inside out.
Women’s Health
Gynecological Care
We provide a wide range of general gynecological care for women of all ages. Our professional and individualized treatments provide services centered around the goal of making it simple for women to maintain optimal health using traditional gynecologic care therapies in combination with the practice of Holistic gynecology.
Holistic Gynecology takes the entire body into consideration when it comes to matters concerning our health. We believe that diagnosing an illness should look at the overall mental and physical health, as well as lifestyle factors, rather than simply focusing on one part of the body. We believe that vaginal health should be viewed from a whole body perspective, and we offer a different approach in regard to the treatments we use too, ensuring a more natural approach.
We use techniques that are in concert with the natural rhythms and processes of the body. It comprises a more comprehensive and all-inclusive health service. Not only does this include general gynecological care, but it also includes vulva tightening, bioidentical hormones, IV nutrition, PRP for skin, hair rejuvenation, hair growth, and much more.
PRP for Hair & Skin
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy is an all-natural, non-surgical treatment that can help the skin renew and the body heal. Platelets offer many benefits including the healing of injuries, reduced inflammation, and repaired skin. In the scalp, PRP stimulates activity in the hair follicles, prompting hair growth in follicles that have become inactive.
Since the procedure calls for creating the PRP solution within a sample of your own blood at the time of your appointment, there is no potential risk of a severe allergic reaction or contraction of disease.
Urinary Incontinence
Although it’s a problem that affects so many, nobody likes to talk about urinary incontinence. We understand. We offer a variety of solutions to treat it that can improve your quality of life. Seeking advice about urinary incontinence is important because, although not always, the condition may indicate a serious underlying issue. It isn’t a root cause; it’s a symptom, often associated with aging, pregnancy, childbirth and menopause. Changes in lifestyle or a variety of treatments can ease and sometimes stop urinary incontinence altogether.
Hormone replacement therapy can help relieve most menopausal symptoms, including hot flushes, brain fog, joint pains, mood swings and vaginal dryness.
Hormonal Balance
We all go through periods of hormone imbalances through our lives. Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy can help!
Bioidentical hormones mimic the hormonal structural molecule that organically occur in the human body. This treatment comes in a variety of forms such as creams, oral capsules, pellets and injections. Designed to restore hormonal balance, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy can help you return to a happier, healthier quality of life.
- Increase in energy levels
- Improvement in memory and concentration
- Weight loss
- Improvement in muscle toning and fat burn
- Improved sleep patterns
- Improvement in overall mood
- Decrease in inflammatory pain
Women Sexual Life
- Improve vaginal dryness and alleviate painful intercourse
- Increased sexual libido
- Intense orgasms
Men Sexual Life
- Improve erectile function
- Increased sexual libido
- Intense orgasms
Signs of a hormonal imbalance may include: hot flashes, night sweats, sleep disorder, difficulty falling or staying asleep, foggy thinking / decreased focus and cognitive ability, decreased sex drive, erectile dysfunction, depression, lack of energy / fatigue, and weight gain.