Mother’s Day Sale

Gifts to Pamper Mom

At Restoravita, we believe that moms deserve the very best - after all, they give their all every day. This Mother's Day, show your appreciation with gifts that pamper, rejuvenate, and lift her spirits.

Sale Starts 04.22.2024 - 05.10.2024


It’s a noninvasive procedure that focuses on conturing the body. It targets and burns fat while building muscle. It combines 2 energies called: HIFEM and Synchronized RF. A single session causes thousands of powerful muscle contractions which are extremely important in improving the tone and strength of the muscles. The muscle tissue responds by deep remodeling of its inner structure, which results in muscle building and body sculpting.

This treatment can be done in abdomen, glutes, arms and thighs.


IV Vitamins Bundle meticulously crafted to replenish your body with essential micronutrients for optimal wellness. Our specialized blend is designed to boost your energy levels, support your immune system, and enhance your overall well-being. These vitamins play a crucial role in promoting cell metabolism, nerve function, and red blood cell production, vital for maintaining your health at its peak.

Experience the Restoravita difference with our IV Vitamins Bundle and take a proactive step towards enhancing your wellness today. Prioritize your health and longevity with the power of micronutrients, because a healthy lifestyle is the key to a long, vibrant, and fulfilling life. Vitamins Bundle for Optimal Wellness

Restora Fitness (Medical Gym) Includes 6 treatments
Sale Price:$575.00 Original Price:$950.00
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At Restoravita, we offer NAD IV therapy as part of our innovative approach to antiaging and wellness. NAD, or nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, is a coenzyme found in all living cells that plays a crucial role in various biological processes, including energy metabolism and DNA repair.

The benefits of NAD IV therapy include:

  1. Increased Energy Levels: NAD IV therapy can boost cellular energy production, resulting in increased vitality and overall energy levels.

  2. Improved Cognitive Function: NAD has been shown to support brain health and cognitive function, helping to enhance focus, memory, and mental clarity.

  3. Enhanced Metabolic Function: NAD plays a key role in regulating metabolism, which can aid in weight management and overall metabolic health.

  4. DNA Repair and Antiaging: NAD is essential for DNA repair mechanisms, promoting cellular health and longevity, which can have antiaging effects.

  5. Support for Longevity: By supporting cellular function and overall health, NAD IV therapy can contribute to a longer and healthier life.

IV Vitamins Package of #6
Sale Price:$780.00 Original Price:$960.00
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NAD IV Package (Include 6 Treatments)
Sale Price:$2,400.00 Original Price:$3,000.00
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Skin Pen + PRP Treatment for Skin Regeneration

At Restoravita, we are proud to offer the Skin Pen + PRP treatment, a powerful solution for skin regeneration. This innovative procedure combines the benefits of microneedling with the rejuvenating properties of Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) to address a variety of skin concerns.

Benefits of Skin Pen + PRP Treatment:

  • Tissue Regeneration: The microneedling action of the Skin Pen stimulates the body's natural healing response, promoting the production of new collagen and elastin for improved skin texture and firmness.

  • Fine Lines and Wrinkles: By triggering collagen production, this treatment helps smooth out fine lines and wrinkles, giving your skin a more youthful appearance.

  • Sun Damage Repair: The Skin Pen + PRP treatment can help reduce the visible signs of sun damage, such as sun spots and uneven skin tone, revealing a brighter complexion.

  • Hyperpigmentation: PRP contains growth factors that can help target areas of hyperpigmentation, promoting a more even skin tone.


PRP Micro-needling Face (Includes 4 Treatments)
Sale Price:$1,230.00 Original Price:$1,770.00
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Face & Neck Microneedling PRP Package (Includes 4 treatments)
Sale Price:$1,340.00 Original Price:$1,920.00
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Face, Neck & Chest Micro-needling PRP (Package) (Includes 4 Treatments)
Sale Price:$1,720.00 Original Price:$2,150.00
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Mothers, you deserve to feel your best, inside and out. Whether it's through our preventive care services, rejuvenating treatments, or comprehensive health programs, we are here to help you prioritize your wellness so you can continue being the incredible force of love and strength that you are.

This Mother's Day, and every day, let's celebrate the incredible mothers in our lives and remind them that they truly deserve everything. Let Restoravita be a part of your self-care journey because, at the end of the day, a healthy and happy mom is one of the greatest gifts to the world.